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Giving Back is the New Black

Honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You’d have to be a blind person not to see how self-absorbed society is becoming. If you look on social media all you see is selfies and humble bragging. There is no shortage of people dripping in labels, going on exotic vacations, and “living their best lives”. I’m guilty of some of it myself. Don’t get me wrong. I love the good life. I’m just seeing where we are getting out of balance. I think the message we are sending is get more, do more and not give more. The next generation already seems to have a sense of entitlement. I’m afraid if we don’t do something now subsequent generations will be even worse.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘What are you doing for others?’

This quote from Dr. King was said over 40 years ago but I think it is so relevant now and needs to make a huge comeback. What are you doing for others? If you have children, what are they doing for others and are you teaching them to have balance? You don’t have to be rich to give. In fact, I would tell you that when you clinch your fist tightly nothing goes out but nothing can get in either. If you don’t have money you can give of your time. If you love to shop you probably have a lot of clothes that you aren’t using that someone less fortunate could use. What are you passionate about? I’m sure you could turn that passion into a blessing for someone else. Maybe like me you have an experience you could share that would help someone navigate through a trying time. Being emotional support for someone is charity too.

Some of you might think ‘charity starts at home and I have a lot going on within my own family’. Well charity does start at home but it doesn’t end there. Maybe you can do a charitable event as a family. Feed the homeless, help build a Habitat for Humanity house, do a fundraiser race. There are so many organizations just waiting for help.

This Martin Luther King holiday I want to challenge everyone readying this to think about what you want to do for others in 2019. Encourage someone of the younger generation to also consider what they can do for others this year. In this era we are in seeing charity and kindness is more important than ever. Let’s be the light on the hill and make giving back the new black.

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