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Comfort Others as You Have Been Comforted

If there is one scripture that inspires me to keep sharing my story and comforting others, it’s this one.

Over my 45 years I have had the pleasure of getting close with God and learning to lean on Him. Thankfully, I learned to lean on Him prior to cancer which made/makes my battle so much easier. There were many times that I had to rely on God to comfort me whether it was marriage difficulties, my divorces, depression, chronic fatigue, miscarriages, you name it. All of those times prepared me to trust Him and seek Him to get me through the fight of my life, advanced stage breast cancer.

When I came across the scripture above I don’t think I had ever seen it before. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any sermons about it. We hear a lot about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked but not much about being emotional support. It was after my book was published and after being a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on for other survivors that this passage got my attention. I think I was looking for confirmation that sharing my story was the right thing to do because so many people (including and especially Christians) choose to be private about their struggles. Believe me. I get it. I know some people feel that sharing can invite negative energy into their lives. Not everyone you share with has your best interest at heart. For me, I feel confident that there are more people hearing my message that wish me well than wish me harm and moreover if God be for me who can be against me? (see Romans 8:31)

The God of Comfort

He comforts us in all of our troubles so that we can comfort others.

2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 spoke to me. God comforts us in all of our troubles so that we can comfort others. I am comforting people as I have been comforted. When I come across people who are full of fear or doubt, I like to share my testimony to give them hope and encourage them to trust God. He will see us through all of our misery, every calamity, and every one of our troubles. If He has done the same for you, do God a favor and comfort someone who doesn’t know that they can lean on Him. God comforted you now comfort someone else. You might just be the encouragement that they need.

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