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A Luxury Crepe in St. Barth

I’ve had many crepes but never one like this!

Many years ago I had the pleasure of visiting London and going to Harrod’s, a (in my opinion “the”) luxury department store. I remember going into the grocery department (yes, they sell groceries) and picking up a bag of shelled nuts with a label that read “Luxury Nuts”. I thought it was pretty funny because I couldn’t imagine anything luxurious about the nuts other than that the shopper would have bought them there. They were quite pricey. Not to mention at the time the British pound was very strong vs. the US dollar. Luxury Nuts indeed. I did not buy them. Now when I see common placed things with high prices I add luxury to the front of its name. Thus, this fabulous crepe I had in St. Barth is a luxury crepe.

Having lived in Paris, I’ve had a few crepes in my life. I love crepes! It’s amazing all the things you can do with them.

Having lived in Paris, I’ve had a few crepes in my life. I love crepes! It’s amazing all the things you can do with them. You can have sweet crepes or savory crepes. You can get the crepes you take to go or you can go to a full service restaurant that serves them on a plate. That reminds me of the first crepe I had at a sit down restaurant when I lived in Paris. It was my lesson to never order a crepe in a restaurant. A girlfriend and I had just seen Luciano Pavarotti and after the concert we were starving and nothing was open but this one restaurant. Crepes were listed on the window. We were college students on a budget. We figured crepes wouldn’t cost much so we sat down and ordered without seeing the menu. The crepe was not as good as the street crepes we’d had and it was exceptionally overpriced. That’s when I learned not to order crepes at restaurants and not to order anything without seeing a menu first. I suppose that was my first luxury crepe.

Everything in St. Barth, part of the French West Indies, is expensive. It’s just one of those places. If you’re there, you know the deal. It’s like a luxury island. Right at the main port there is nothing but luxury boutiques. It’s different from other Caribbean islands. It feels more like France than the Caribbean. It reminded me a lot of St. Tropez. So when I saw a restaurant called La Creperie I had mixed feelings. Like I told you, I haven’t had very good experiences eating crepes at sit down restaurants but I liked the idea of a crepe priced meal. I was just on a day trip to St. Barth via ferry from St. Martin. I was window shopping if you will. I wasn’t one of the lucky ones who sailed in on a yacht and was spending several days there. I was watching my coins. LOL

A treat for the eyes and the stomach. It is now the best crepe I’ve ever had– luxury or otherwise.

I have to admit. I was curious about how St. Barth did crepes so I went in. I ordered a Kir Royale (champagne and black currant liqueur), one of my favorite French drinks, and the Super Complete crepe which cost 17 euros (about $20 USD). The Super Complete had fried potatoes, ham, cheese, an egg, sauteed mushrooms, sour cream (creme fraiche) and salad. There’s a popular creperie in Paris that has huge crepes. You could barely eat the whole thing. They offered crepes with potatoes so that wasn’t new to me. I think the sour cream and salad is what threw me off. Sour cream can be messy and I’d never had that in a crepe before. And a lot of times in Paris “salade” would be on the menu and you’d get what was more like just lettuce. So when I got the crepe in an open square, the ham and over easy egg peeking out with a little crepe bowl of salad topped with balsamic vinaigrette plated to the side, I was pleasantly surprised. Now I saw how they would get all of that on a crepe, not in a crepe. The salad was in one corner, the sour cream in another, mushrooms and potatoes in the other two corners. It all came together beautifully. A treat for the eyes and the stomach. It was pricey but filling. I hated that I couldn’t eat it all but was glad I wouldn’t pay $20 USD and leave hungry. LOL It is now the best crepe I’ve ever had– luxury or otherwise. If I’m ever in St. Barth again I will definitely be stopping by La Creperie. If you’re ever in St. Barth and need a relatively inexpensive, filling meal you should pay La Creperie a visit. Be sure to tell me how you like it. Bon app!

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